3 applications that I can't live without

3 applications that I can't live without

When I first heard about this topic, it took me by surprise. What are three apps that you can’t live without? I was perplexed for a moment. I use so many mobile applications daily. How can I choose just three?

It is surely a question that can leave one in a dilemma. But nonetheless, I gave this question a shot. I thought and thought and thought until I narrowed it down to three applications that I can't live without. So, this blog is going to be something different as here I will talk about the three applications I can’t live without and the reasons why.


The first one on my list is WhatsApp. WhatsApp has changed the lives of millions of people, and I am one of them.

With its current download of 5 billion users, WhatsApp has surely revolutionized the software industry and left an indelible mark on its users.

For me, WhatsApp is not just a chat application but a place where all my college memories reside (thanks to online classes!). It has kept me connected with my old school friends and distant relatives. It's where I found so many opportunities. It’s the place where I first interacted with all my amazing seniors.

Even now, during offline college, it is the first place of communication. If one has to post any important information, it is first posted on WhatsApp. I have been using WhatsApp for a while now, and the changes I have seen in it are surreal. Improved voice and video calls, a better text chat experience, and its current community feature is a cherry on top.

Nowadays, WhatsApp is not just used by people for personal communication but also for business purposes. Through WhatsApp business, thousands of small businesses have taken their first flight. These are some of the many reasons I can’t live without WhatsApp. And yes, I’m one of those people who creates a group with themselves to keep track of things.


The second on my list is YouTube. The place where millions of creators thrive and I'm one of its users.

YouTube has helped me with my studies, provided me with entertainment videos when I was bored or tired, and given me motivation when I felt low. It was YouTube that helped me during my JEE preparation. I would watch physics, chemistry, and mathematics lectures on it.

Only on YouTube did I discover my passion for mathematics through Numberphile, 3Blue1Brown and Blackpenredpen. Only on YouTube could I see science experiments come to life, Veritasium, I'm referring to you :) And it's YouTube alone that’s even supporting me now with my college studies. All hail the mighty Gate smashers !

I got introduced to stand-up comedy because of YouTube’s recommendation and even now it has not let me down. It now recommends me some awesome tech channels that one should definitely not miss.

And to say that YouTube has revolutionized the content industry is an understatement. YouTube has given creators a platform to express themselves and showcase their talent to a mass audience in a way that was never possible before. Even though I’m not a creator on YouTube, I have still benefited a lot from it. And this makes YouTube one of the applications I cannot live without.


And finally, the third application I can’t live without is Discord. Despite the fact that I've only been using Discord for a year, it has left an indelible impression on me and has become one of the applications I can't live without.

Discord is the place where tech communities thrive. And Discord was introduced to me during my freshman year of college. And in a year, I have become part of around 100 tech communities thriving on Discord.

Discord has been part of my development journey. and I can attribute it to my technical growth. It is the place where I got so many opportunities and met amazing developers from all over the world. It is the place where I first got introduced to open source and the tech stacks that I now build upon.

One of my favourite communities operating on Discord has been MLH. Major League Hacking is where my hackathon journey started. It has been a place where I made so many amazing friends who participated with me in various hackathons. And like MLH, there are many communities on Discord that have significantly contributed to my technical skill development. And that’s the reason Discord is one of the applications I can’t live without.

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Cover Image : Image by creativeart on Freepik